
We have switched means of communication and now have an Instagram account!! Please follow us in our 4th year of our gift to Christ at @giftsofdecember thanks for the support!!!!

December 30: Day 21!!

Today was the last day of the December challenge!! My family had the opportunity to take an elderly woman with us to the temple to do her names today. We were so glad that we could help her out and have that experience!! Hope everyone has a happy New Years!

December 29: Day 20


December 28: Day 19


December 27: Day 18


How you can be involved!!

This Saturday, December 30th, will be the last day of our December challenge this year. We would like to invite everyone who has the opportunity to, to join us by going to the temple that day. Please also bring your friends and take a picture and post it below so we can see what you did to give a gift to Christ this Christmas season!!

December 26: Day 17

Here is our temple group for today! Also we are working on redoing our blog, so if you have any ideas for how to make it better, feel free to comment below!!